Cell Performance
2021 | Cell Performance | Articles
Cell and gene manufacturing: a case study approach to overcoming challenges – expert perspectives and solutions
Authors: Steven Thompson
Published: Cell & Gene Therapy Insights
2018 | Cell Performance | Articles
Comparison of the efficacy of cryopreserved human platelet lysate and refrigerated lyophilized human platelet lysate for wound healing
Authors: Tien Minh Le, Yasuhiko Tabata, Kenji Kusumoto, Sharon Claudia Notodihardjo, Naoki Morimoto, Natsuko Kakudo, Toshihito Mitsui
Published: Regenerative Therapy
2018 | Cell Performance | Articles
Evaluation of platelet lysate as a substitute for FBS in explant and enzymatic isolation methods of human umbilical cord MSCs
Authors: Divya Sivanesan, Vijayalakshmi S., Rajagopal K., Rama Shanker Verma, Sangeetha Kandoi, Praveen kumar L, Bamadeb Patra, Prasanna Vidyasekar
Published: Nature
2018 | Cell Performance | Articles
Evaluation of platelet lysate as a substitute for FBS in explant and enzymatic isolation methods of human umbilical cord MSCs
Authors: Divya Sivanesan, Vijayalakshmi S., Rajagopal K., Rama Shanker Verma, Sangeetha Kandoi, Praveen kumar L, Bamadeb Patra, Prasanna Vidyasekar
Published: Nature Scientific Reports
2018 | Cell Performance | Articles
Human platelet lysate in mesenchymal stromal cell expansion according to a GMP grade protocol: a cell factory experience
Authors: Stefano Ermini, Valentina Gori, Francesca Brugnolo, Francesca Gentile, Giuseppe Astori, Riccardo Ceccantini, Franco Bambi, Elena De Rienzo, Valentina Becherucci, Barbara Bindi, Paola Pavan, Luisa Piccini, Vanessa Cunial, Serena Casamassima, Elisa Allegro, Silvia Bisin
Published: Stem Cell Research & Therapy
2018 | Cell Performance | Articles
Platelet lysate as a novel serum-free media supplement for the culture of equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Authors: Merrilee Thoresen, Ian Copland, Jacques Galipeau, John F Peroni, Maria C Naskou, Scarlett M Sumner, Anna Chocallo, Hannah Kemelmakher
Published: Stem Cell Research & Therapy
2018 | Cell Performance | Articles
The ratio of ADSCs to HSC-progenitors in adipose tissue derived SVF may provide the key to predict the outcome of stem-cell therapy
Authors: Dobrin Draganov, Duong Nguyen, Elliot Lander, Mark Berman, Mehmet Okyay Kilinc, Boris Minev & Aladar A. Szalay, Antonio Santidrian, Ivelina Minev, Robert Toth
Published: Clinical and Translational Medicine
2017 | Cell Performance | Articles
Comparative Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma, Platelet Lysate, and Fetal Calf Serum on Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Authors: O V Poveshchenko, E A Pokushalov, V I Konenkov, A P Lykov, N A Bondarenko, M A Surovtseva, I I Kim
Published: Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
2016 | Cell Performance | Articles
Choice of xenogenic-free expansion media significantly influences the myogenic differentiation potential of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
Authors: Melanie L Hart, Juliane Brun, Tanja Abruzzese, Bernd Rolauffs, Wilhelm K Aicher
Published: Cytotherapy
2016 | Cell Performance | Articles
Fabrication and Characterization of NanoCalcium Sulfate and Human Platelet Lysate as a Growth Factor Delivery System
Authors: Andrew Barone, Adam Morrell, Rosemary Dziak
Published: International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health
2016 | Cell Performance | Articles
The Establishment of Efficient Methods to Culture Immunosuppressive Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Cord Blood and Bone Marrow
Authors: Anita Laitinen
Published: Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, University of Helsinki
2015 | Cell Performance | Articles
A therapy-grade protocol for differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into mesenchymal stem cells using platelet lysate as supplement
Authors: Santiago Gabriel Miriuka, Claudia Solari, Darío Fernandez Espinosa, Marcela García, Ana Lía Errecalde, Carlos Luzzani, Alejandra Guberman, María Elida Scassa, Gabriel Neiman, Gustavo Emilio Sevlever, Ximena Garate, Leonardo Romorini, María Questa
Published: Stem Cell Research & Therapy
2015 | Cell Performance | Articles
Long-Term Expansion in Platelet Lysate Increases Growth of Peripheral Blood-Derived Endothelial-Colony Forming Cells and Their Growth Factor-Induced Sprouting Capacity
Authors: Pieter Koolwijk, Dimitar Tasev, Michiel H. van Wijhe, Ester M. Weijers, Victor W. M. van Hinsbergh
Published: Public Library of Science
2015 | Cell Performance | Articles
Market Assessment of Porcine Platelet Lysate for Animal Cell Culture to Replace Serum
Published: KTH Industrial Engineering and Management
2015 | Cell Performance | Articles
Scalable efficient expansion of mesenchymal stem cells in xeno free media using commercially available reagents
Authors: Natalia Jiménez, Sergio Ruiz, Nelsy Sanchez, Thomas E Ichim, Neil H Riordan, Francisco Silva, Amit N Patel, Marialaura Madrigal, Jason Reneau, Kathya de Cupeiro
Published: Journal of Translational Medicine
2014 | Cell Performance | Articles
Pathogen-free, plasma-poor platelet lysate and expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells
Authors: Claudio Lavorino, Pierangela Totta, Luigi Frati, Marianna Nuti, Paola Ludicone, Luca Pierelli, Daniela Fioravanti, Giuseppina Bonanno, Michelina Miceli
Published: Journal of Translational Medicine
2013 | Cell Performance | Articles
Human-derived alternatives to fetal bovine serum in cell culture
Authors: Denise Theiß, Heinz Redl, Simone Hennerbichler, Karin Witzeneder, Andrea Lindenmair, Christian Gabriel, Katharina Höller
Published: Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy
2013 | Cell Performance | Articles
Production of human platelet lysate by use of ultrasound for ex vivo expansion of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
Authors: Chiara Lievore, Domenico Madeo, Francesco Rodeghiero, Giuseppe Astori, Martina Bernardi, Elena Albiero, Alberta Alghisi, Katia Chieregato
Published: Cytotherapy